Learn how to frame your most transformative and psychedelic experiences into a compelling story that builds relationships and trust. Help friends & family, future clients, and even investors understand the value and impact of psychedelics, and why it should matter to them.

Tell Your Psychedelic Story is designed to help visionary coaches, consultants, healers, therapists, facilitators, and entrepreneurs understand, frame, and better share their stories so they broadcast who they are and what makes them stand out from everyone else.


  • You are a therapist, coach or holistic healer who seeks to better articulate your psychedelic story so as to attract more soul-aligned clients.
  • You are a creative who wants to share your psychedelic story effectively to develop a stronger connection with your audience.
  • You are an entrepreneur who seeks to articulate your psychedelic journey in a way that helps potential partners or investors see the value of your unique path.
  • You have navigated out of the most challenging stage of your life and now feel strong enough to shine bright and share the wisdom you have accrued through your life experience.


  • Identify the most powerful transformative shifts you've gone through and what these transformations taught you.
  • Frame your personal life journey into a story that engages and inspires your listener.
  • Learn how to share your psychedelic story so that it creates value for all audiences (even the skeptics).
  • Learn how to narrow down the scope of what's relevant and leave out what's not.


  • On-demand, lifetime access to workshop recording
  • The workshop slide deck & accompanying materials


  • Unpack Your Story Workshop


Available in days
days after you enroll